Smo IT strokovnjaki in razvijalci programske opreme. Naš primarni fokus je Oracle podatkovna zbirka in njena infrastruktura, ki jo načrtrujemo in vzdržujemo. Uporabljamo tudi open-source tehnologije, ki bi vas morda zanimale.
Imamo tri ekipe:
Naši najbolj prodajani produkti so:
Abakus plus informacijski inženiring d.o.o. Ljubljanska cesta 24a 4000 Kranj
Endava is a global company with a passion for leveraging the latest technologies to drive meaningful change. By combining world-class engineering, deep industry expertise and a customer-centric mindset, we consult and partner with our customers to create technological solutions that fuel transformation and empower businesses to succeed in the AI-driven digital shift.
Working side by side with leading brands, Endava helps businesses accelerate and take advantage of new business models and market opportunities across various industries, including payments, insurance, finance and banking, technology, media, telecommunications, retail and consumer goods, supply chain, healthcare and life sciences, automotive and travel.
From ideation to production, Endava's agile, multidisciplinary teams supports its customers through every step of their digital transformation journey, from ideation to production, creating dynamic platforms and intelligent digital experiences.
Ogrodje is on a mission to share the experience and deepen the knowledge of technology enthusiasts and senior professionals. We give the platform and audience to engineers, entrepreneurs, business developers and managers of the future.
Ogrodje is a tech/dev podcast and a community. Our mission is to share the experience and deepen the knowledge.
Revija Računalniške novice spada med najbolj uveljavljene medije s področja informacijskih tehnologij. Ponuja kakovostno vsebino za nizko ceno, namenjena pa je predvsem objavi novosti in trendov s področja informacijskih tehnologij.
Stromboli, d. o. o.
Cesta komandanta Staneta 4A
1215 Medvode, Slovenija
Become a sponsor at the MakeIT 2025 / JCON OpenBlend Slovenia 2025 conference and assist us in creating a general overview on the current trends in development and implementation of IT solutions related to Oracle technology on premises and in the cloud.
We offer various predefined collaboration packages, however we can also create an offer which suits your needs. Feel free to reach us via email:
Your sponsorship enables us to keep the conference affordable and your support helps nurture the next generation of developers and fuels innovation. By sponsoring, you are directly contributing to the development and empowerment of the tech community.
The MakeIT 2025 & JCON Slovenia 2025 is organized by the SIOUG, Tržaška cesta 134 1000 Ljubljana and OpenBlend. Contact us to get more information on sponsorship and speaking opportunities.